Buying a watch is a fraught and intimidating proposition. So many factors come into play: price, brand, look, functionality… the list goes on. To complicate things even further, buying a watch can be an expensive hobby that’s easy to get sucked into. Fortunately, with a little help from this handy guide, you’ll be wearing your first watch in no time.

What is a watch?
A watch is an item of jewellery which can be used to measure time. There are many different types of watches available, from analogue wristwatches that display the hours on a dial, to digital watches which include features like a stopwatch, alarm, or timer.
Watches that display the time using a digital display are often referred to as digital watches or simply “digital” watches. Analogue watches, on the other hand, are those that show the time using a dial and hand that move between a set of marks, usually around the face of the watch. Analog watches are often cheaper than digital watches and are generally more suited to casual wear.
Buying a watch
Before you even get near a watch shop, you’ll need to decide what you want in a watch. Remember that there are lots of different watches out there, so you’ll first need to narrow down your desired features. After that, you’ll need to decide which price range you want to be in. That’s easier said than done, though. It can be difficult to know where to start when you’re considering a wide range of different features, styles, and prices. Here are a few pointers to help you out.
- Look out for sales – You’d be surprised how often retailers put watches on sale. Use this sales data to guide you towards your next watch. And bear in mind sales often differ from store to store.
- Research what functions you may need – You may not be able to use every feature in a watch, but knowing what you do need will help you decide what to look out for.
- Consider the cost of repairs – A lot of watches are now made with quartz movements that can get damaged if they’re not serviced regularly. That could end up being more expensive in the long run than buying a watch that’s easy to repair.

Learn about the different types of watches
If you’re still feeling a little overwhelmed by the world of watches, it can be helpful to break things down into categories. There are three main types of watches: analogue, digital, and hybrid. Analogue watches are those that display the time using a dial and hand that move between a set of marks.
Analogue watches are cheaper than digital watches and are generally more suited to casual wear. Some analogue watches have a digital display on the watch face, but you’ll generally find that the hands are printed onto a dial. Digital watches display the time using a digital display.
Digital watches are more expensive than analogue watches and are often more suitable for dressy occasions. You may also find that some digital watches have a digital display on the watch face, but you’ll generally find that the hands are printed onto a dial. Hybrid watches combine elements from both digital and analogue watches. These watches usually have a digital display on the watch face and digital hands printed on a dial, but they can also have an analogue movement that allows you to use analogue hands.
Find your watch’s core function
Now that you know what type of watch you want, the next step is to figure out what it does. There are many different functions you can look for in a watch, but you’ll generally find that the watch’s core function is where all the action is. You may also come across the term “heart rate function” that’s sometimes used when discussing the core function.
A watch’s heart rate function is all about how the watch can track your heart rate. This can be done in several different ways, such as measuring the electrical impulses that occur each time the heart beats, or by measuring the amount of blood your heart pumps out each time. There are a few different ways you can use a watch’s heart rate function, such as counting how many times your heart beats in a minute.

Be discerning and know when you’re buying fashion or art
There are two main things to keep in mind when buying a watch. First, you need to be discerning when choosing a watch, as there are lots of different watches out there – and many of them are fake watches. Second, you need to be discerning about when you use your watch: when is it OK to wear a watch and when is it more advisable to wear an item of jewellery?
There are many times you’ll want to wear a watch, like when you’re going out or meeting a deadline at work. But when you’re hanging out at home, working in the garden, or doing something more relaxing and informal, it’s probably more advisable to wear a piece of jewellery.
The bottom line
If you’re serious about buying a watch, you’ll need to get to grips with some serious jargon. That’s why we’ve broken things down into a handy guide. Now that you know what a watch is and what it does, you’re well on your way to making your first purchase. All you have to do is head to your nearest watch shop and find your next wrist accessory.